React Newsletter #140

React 16.x roadmap, announcing native support for the css prop in styled-components, and the history and implementation of React-Redux


React 16.x Roadmap

You might have heard about features like “Hooks”, “Suspense”, and “Concurrent Rendering”. In this post from the official React blog, we’ll look at how they fit together and the expected timeline for their availability in a stable release of React.

Announcing native support for the css prop in styled-components

A new, convenient way to quickly style and iterate on your components and their boundaries has landed in styled-components.


Idiomatic Redux: The History and Implementation of React-Redux

React-Redux is conceptually pretty simple. It subscribes to the Redux store, checks to see if the data your component wants has changed, and re-renders your component. However, there's a lot of internal complexity to make that happen, and most people aren't aware of all the work that React-Redux does internally. In this post Redux core contributor Mark digs through some of the design decisions and implementation details of how React-Redux works, and how those implementation details have changed over time.

Inside Fiber: in-depth overview of the new reconciliation algorithm in React

If you've ever wondered how React works under the hood, this is the article for you. It (elegantly) walks through the how and why on everything from React elements to Fiber nodes.

Tackling performance issues in ReactDataGrid · React Data Grid

ReactDataGrid V5 brought about a large rewrite of the core architecture with the main goal to improve performance of the grid. These performance issues were most noticeable in use cases where many rows and columns needed to be rendered to the screen, as well as when custom cell formatters were used to display the cell content. This article gives a detailed explanation of how the ReactDataGrid team discovered and what they did to fix their perf issues.


Find A Job Through Vettery

Vettery specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers. Interested? Submit your profile, and if accepted onto the platform, you can receive interview requests directly from top companies seeking React devs. Get Started


Lazy loading (and preloading) components in React 16.6

React 16.6 adds a new feature that makes code splitting easier: React.lazy(). In this post you'll learn all about it by building a Stocks app.

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