React Newsletter #235

3 new React versions, React folder structure, and building a social network


React 16.14.0, 15.7.0, and 0.14.10

"A few weeks ago, we posted about the new JSX transform. It will be supported by React 17 — and we've just added support to React 16.14.0, 15.7.0, and 0.14.10 for folks on the older major versions. Please check out the updated post if you'd like to try it!"


React Router v5: Philosophy and Introduction

In this post you'll learn the philosophy behind React Router v5 as well as get a gentle introduction on how to use it.

Svelte for Sites, React for Apps

In this article, Swyx writes about why he recommends using Svelte for web-sites and React for web apps in 2020.

Five awesome React packages to check out

These packages will help you make small (but powerful) changes to help your app stand out from competitors.


How I structure React apps

Chetan writes about his preferred folder structure for React apps.


React Reparenting

Simple, intuitive and configurable tools to manage reparenting with React

smooth DOC

A ready-to-use Gatsby theme to build well-organized docs for your projects.


A customizable countdown component for React


A library with a lot of different options to easily add pagination to your site.


Learn How to Use React and GraphQL to Make a Full Stack Social Network

This 6-hour video tutorial from Free Code Camp will teach you how to create a social media app using MongoDB, Express, Node, React, GraphQL, and Node (the MERNG stack). You will learn how to implement a GraphQL server that uses Node and Express to communicate to a MongoDB Database and fetch and persist data to a social media app back-end.

React Roadmap for Beginners

This 10-minute video gives a helpful overview of the React ecosystem and a recommended order for learning various concepts and technologies.

Chat App Tutorial With React, Node.js, and

The first part in a series that covers how to make a chat app with different rooms and usernames using web sockets to send data in real time.

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