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Visual and engaged learning is the way (but don’t just take our word for it)

This course doesn’t just teach you React it teaches you ABOUT React. And it does so in a way that is fun, challenging, and engaging.

sticker illustrations: hooks, React playing cards, and a blender that says “Will it re-render?”
Interactive diagram that toggles between a traditional approach of separation of concerns (HTML, CSS, and JS) and the React approach (all three combined in a component)COMPONENTSHTMLCSSJS

Very informative, well paced, and I like how you take the time to explain why things work the way they work, by looking at how it was done before and how it has evolved. I will coming back to this course quite regularly!

stickers: crystal ball that says “Observe”, Fetch, and a “Garbage collector” raccoon

I love everything about this course, honestly. The teaching, storytelling, the whole styling and presentation, the density and intensity, the interactivity and those small traces of humor here and there. You’ve done a fantastic job. It’s worth every cent.

stickers: “Synchronize” skull, “Interact” book with a snake on the cover, newspaper with headline “React Query is on-demand”
Interactive diagram showing fetching with parameters and a background refetchVIEW12343124{}sort: 'created'sort: 'updated'DATATHE CACHEOBSERVER
stickers: twenty-sided die, components, useState as a heart tattoo

I just love how the course content flows into the next. Also the videos are not plain old boring videos, they are legit interesting. The storytelling is top-notch!